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operators are symbols which use for different operations or tasks on data.

arithmatic operators

symbols Description
+ plus
- minus
* multiplacation
/ division
% modulus / remainder
++a pre increment
a++ post increment
--a pre decrement
a-- post decrement
= assign

order operator

exponents and roots
multiplication and division
addition and subtraction
  • United States - PEMDAS
  • Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction.
  • canada - BEDMAS
    • Brackets, Exponents, Division/Multiplication, Addition/Subtraction.
  • uk - BODMAS
    • Brackets, Order, Division/Multiplication, Addition/Subtraction.

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Assignment operators

symbols description
= assign
+= variable plus value then asign
-= variable minus value then asign
*= variable multiplacation value then asign
/= variable division value then asign

comaparision operator

Header One Header Two
== equal
!== not equal
=== identical (strict equality)
!=== not identical
> greater than
=> equal greater than
< less than
=< equal less than

logical operator

Header One Header Two
&& and
// and
! not
  • here this // is ||

string operator

  • concatetion by +
let firstName = 'Mostafa';
let lastName = 'Kamal';
let fullName = firstName + ' ' + lastName;
js, operator