input / output Angular

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input / output

input / output is aslike props if compare other js library .

  • input = receive data (parent to child)
  • output = return back data (child to parent)

input task

// parent.html

// loacl variable from parent
<input type="text" #parentValue (keyup)="0">
<input-example [myValue]="parentValue.value"></input-example>

// or data from parent variable
<input-example [myValue]="parentValue"></input-example>
// children.ts
  inputs: ['myValue'],
 <!-- children.html -->

output task

import { EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
  outputs: ['myValue'],
myValue = new new EventEmitter<string>();
<!-- child.html -->
<input type="text" #childInput (keyup)="onChange(childInput.value)">
<!-- parent.html -->
<input-example (onChange)="childData = $event"></input-example>
js, angular