
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes


class Me {
  function info(){
    echo "this is user info";
$t = new Me();
# this is user info


class User{
  public function me(){
    echo "kamal";

class Emp extends User{


$j = new Emp();
// kamal
  • call system
class User{
  public function me(){
    echo "kamal";

class Emp extends User{
  public function me(){
    echo "parent is here";
  public function selfMe(){
  public function parentMe(){

$j = new Emp();
// output : kamal
// output: parent is here


  • variables are called properties which live in class


  • no need to declare of class objects (new)
  • scope :: operator
class Me {
  static function info(){
    echo "this is user info\n";
# this is user info

➲(laravel ) : static live in facades folder

abstract class

abstract class Me{} → extends Me

  • Abstraction is a process of hiding the implementation details and showing only functionality to the user.
  • must be have one abstract method
abstract class User{
  abstract public function name();
  public function normal(){
    echo "this is normal function";

class Employee extends User{
  public function name(){
    echo "abstract methods body\n";
$t = new Employee();

// abstract methods body
// this is normal function  

~ resources


interface me{} → implements me

visibility must be public

➲ blueprint of class’s functions

➲(laravel ) : intreface live in contract folder

interface me{
  public function name();

class User implements me{
  public function name(){
    echo "this is user\n";

class Employee implements me{
  public function name(){
    echo "this is employee\n";

$r = new Employee();
$t = new User();
// this is user
// this is employee


trait is a process that reuse methods . if you are Vue developer or SASS(css), you know about mixins . trait as like mixins

trait me{} → use me

trait me{
  public function name(){
    echo "this is trait";

class User{
  use me;

$t = new User();
// this is trait


class A {

 function __construct() {
  echo "constructor automaticaly return when class call";

$obj= new A();
 # constructor automaticaly return when class call

~ resource
